Looking to take on an apprentice?

Gain access to a pool of tested, interviewed and screened candidates

Region’s leading provider of engineering & manufacturing apprenticeships

Work with us and showcase your business at schools and careers events

As an employer led training provider, we believe we do things just a little bit different from our competitors.

Working with over 200 engineering & manufacturing employers and 40+ schools in the West Yorkshire region, we believe the time and effort put in to align the employers expectations with the candidates is key to a successful outcome. Alternatively, you may already have the staff and you are looking for the right apprenticeship to develop their knowledge and skills.

As a not-for-profit, registered charity, Appris is governed by a membership of employers and professional, whereby a subscription is required for every year an apprentice remains in learning.

The following annual subscription fees apply to businesses that utilise our recruitment services for apprenticeships:

£50 for businesses up to 49 staff

£250 for businesses with 50 staff and above

The Appris team will help you identify the correct apprenticeship standard that meets the job role. Contact us to discuss how you can access a pool of tested, interviewed and screened candidates. Subscription fees are waived for employers who self-recruit or who already employ the potential apprentice.

Apprenticeship Agreement Template

This document is a template provided by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) to assist employers.

An apprenticeship agreement must be signed at the start of the apprenticeship. It is used to confirm individual employment arrangements between the apprentice and the employer.

Link to GOV.UK template >

Apprenticeship Funding and your Apprenticeship Service (AS) Account

From 1st November 2020, all employers are to use the AS account. This links the employer to the training provider.

Create a Apprenticeship Service (AS) account >

Employer Smart Assessor Login

Ensuring employers are kept up to date with the apprentices progression is key to supporting their development. Appris uses Smart Assessor as our eportfolio provider to track and evidence progression. Where you are the direct manager and have an overview of the apprentices, you can access the system below. If you do not have access, speak to the apprentice’s Training Advisor, who will help you set up the account and provide training on how to navigate the system.


End Point Assessment (EPA)

Every EPA differs, depending on the apprenticeship. This can include a practical observation or a project to demonstrate the apprentice’s skills, a paper or online test and a professional discussion to underpin their knowledge and understanding.

More info >

Advice on Apprenticeship Salaries

The hourly rate for the minimum wage depends on your age and whether you’re an apprentice.

More info >

What you Need to Know as an Employer

Before deciding to take on an apprentice, consider the support and commitment required to off the job training as part of an apprenticeship.

Learn more >

Recruit an Apprentice
